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Hair Restoration


Providing Everything You Need



If you are one of the thousands of men and women who suffer from hair loss, Alma TED hair restoration treatment is an excellent solution for getting back what you’ve lost. The reasons for premature hair loss range from genetics and stress to illness and hormonal changes, and the result can be embarrassing and frustrating and can make you feel less like yourself. Alma TED is a new product that is changing the world of hair restoration. If you want to learn more about TED or find out if it’s a good solution for you, contact us today to set up your consultation.

Alma TED® is a game-chang­er in the realm of hair loss treat­ment. This inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy offers reli­able hair restora­tion solu­tions for hair loss or thin­ning hair. 

Employ­ing a unique com­bi­na­tion of low-lev­el laser ther­a­py (LLLT) and pho­to­bio­mod­u­la­tion, Alma TED® stim­u­lates hair growth and reju­ve­nates the scalp. It improves blood cir­cu­la­tion, enhances cell metab­o­lism, and stim­u­lates hair fol­li­cles, result­ing in stronger exist­ing hair, new hair growth, and improved hair density.

Unlike sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures, the Alma TED® hair restora­tion treat­ment is non-inva­sive and has min­i­mal side effects. It requires no inci­sions or anes­the­sia, offer­ing a com­fort­able and con­ve­nient option for both men and women of all hair types. With its pre­ci­sion tar­get­ing, this Alma TED® treat­ment ensures opti­mal results, focus­ing ener­gy on the areas that need it most.

How does the Alma TED® Pro­ce­dure work?

Here’s how this non-inva­sive hair restora­tion treat­ment works:

  1. Con­sul­ta­tion: A board-cer­ti­fied der­ma­tol­o­gist will assess your hair loss and deter­mine if Alma TED® is right for you.

  2. Treat­ment: The Duly Aes­thet­ics team will use Alma TED® to stim­u­late hair growth, tar­get­ing hair fol­li­cles with laser energy.

  3. Mul­ti­ple Ses­sions: Depend­ing on the extent of your hair loss and per­son­al needs, mul­ti­ple ses­sions may be necessary.

  4. Expect­ed Results: Grad­ual hair regrowth and improved hair den­si­ty can be expect­ed. Alma TED® stim­u­lates dor­mant hair fol­li­cles to pro­duce nat­ur­al-look­ing hair.

Alma TED® is a min­i­mal­ly inva­sive hair loss treat­ment that requires lit­tle to no down­time. Mild red­ness or swelling may occur after treat­ment, but this usu­al­ly sub­sides with­in a few days.

For opti­mal results, avoid direct sun­light, stren­u­ous exer­cise, harsh styling prod­ucts, and heat styling tools for a few days post-treat­ment. Always fol­low the after­care instruc­tions pro­vid­ed by your hair restora­tion specialist.

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